We have enriched the assortment with BREMI ignition coils, distributor caps , rotor distributors, spark plug cables, and air flow meters !
BREMI is an original equipment manufacturer and after-market supplier for Ignition products. BREMI is part of the Aichele group which specializes in the development and marketing of ignition systems and systems for the heating ... Pročitaj više
Obogatili smo asortiman BREMI bobinama, razvodnim kapama, rotorima razvodnika paljenja, kablovima svjećica i mjeračima protoka vazduha!
BREMI je proizvođač originalne opreme i dobavljač na tržištu zamjenskih dijelova proizvoda za paljenje. Dio je grupacije Aichele, koja se specijalizovala za razvoj i marketing sistema za paljenje kao i sistema za područje grijanja. BREMI ... Pročitaj više
25. April 2014.simadmin
Upgraded MEYLE Platinum Discs are coming soon to the market. The new version features enhanced protection that is based on modern UV technology, unique for MEYLE in the field of brake discs production.
Advantages of the new MEYLE Platinum Discs are evident:
Perfectly smooth surface that attracts even less brake dust, which ... Pročitaj više
24. April 2014.simadmin
Na tržište uskoro stižu unaprijeđeni MEYLE PD diskovi. Nova verzija ima poboljšanu zaštitu koja se zasniva na savremenoj UV tehnologiji, u kojoj je MEYLE jedinstven na području proizvodnje kočionih diskova.
Prednosti novog MEYLE Platinum diska su očigledne:
Savršeno glatka površina na koju se još slabije lijepi kočiona prašina, a što omogućava dugoročni ... Pročitaj više
24. April 2014.simadmin
For the ninth time already, the readers of “Auto motor und sport” voted for the best brands in the categories automotive accessories, spare parts and services at the renowned “Best Cars” readers award. “Auto motor und sport” is one of the car magazines with the widest circulation in Europe.
In 2014, more than 115,000 ... Pročitaj više
21. April 2014.simadmin
Već deveti put zaredom, čitaoci časopisa "Auto Motor i Sport" glasali su za najbolje robne marke u kategorijama auto opreme, rezervnih dijelova i usluga na dodjeli prestižne nagrade "Najbolji automobili". Časopis "Auto Motor i Sport" jedan je od časopisa o automobilima sa najvećim tiražom u Evropi.
U 2014., više od 115.000 čitaoca i ... Pročitaj više
21. April 2014.simadmin
Starting with April 15 cease to have effect the legal requirement that all motor vehicles in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina must have the appropriate winter gear. To facilitate your search for new tires, we bring you an overview of Pirelli summer tire models and prices for the ... Pročitaj više
10. April 2014.simadmin
Od 15. aprila prestaje da važi zakonska obaveza da sva motorna vozila u Republici Srpskoj i BiH moraju imati odgovarajuću zimsku opremu. Da vam olakšamo potragu za novim gumama, donosimo pregled modela i cijena ljetnih guma Pirelli za sezonu pred nama!
MP ... Pročitaj više
10. April 2014.simadmin
Beginning April 10 until the end of the month, SIM Impex and Denso have a special offer for loyal customers!
With every purchase of DENSO A/C Compressor in SiM Impex retail stores we give free DENSO overall, sunglasses or a travel bag. Visit us in Banja Luka, Gradiska, Prnjavor, Sarajevo and ... Pročitaj više
9. April 2014.simadmin
In the coming years, the automobile will undergo major changes. “The traffic of the future is electric, automated, and connected,” said Dr. Volkmar Denner, the chairman of the Bosch board of management, during his March 18 presentation at “Automotive and Engine Technology,” the 14th Stuttgart International Symposium. “Automated driving can ... Pročitaj više
2. April 2014.simadmin